nerdgeek Disney Lorcana League A League consists of 12weeks of events, divided into three rounds. Each round consists of 4 weeks. Once a new League Round starts, you can save points and received bonus goodies at the end of the 4 we... Disney Lorcana TCG
nerdgeek Pokémon League A League consists of 4 weeks of events. Once a new league starts, you can save points and received bonus goodies at the end of the 4 weeks. If you join a Leagueevent, you will receive a nice bagde: Be... Pokémon TCG TCG
nerdgeek Lorcana Chapter five is called Shimmering Skies and releases August 9th 2024 In Shimmering Skies, the realm of Lorcana holds a great festival to celebrate its recent victory over Ursula, which concluded the previous set, Ursula’s Return. While most of Lorcana participates in t... Disney Lorcana Release Shimmering Skies TCG
nerdgeek Third Disney Lorcana Set announced called Into The Inklands From : "Adventure is on the horizon as we unveil the newest Disney Lorcana TCG set! Into the Inklands hits hobby stores February 23 and mass retailers on March 8. This set will chang... Disney Lorcana Into The Inklands Release TCG
nerdgeek Altered TCG coming soon We will be launching events and support the release of a new TCG called Altered where you will explore the unexpected. Here is a synopsis: Altered is an innovative TCG which offers a new, refreshing a... Altered Release TCG